Hayward, Peter J. & McKinney, Frank K., 2002. Northern Adriatic Bryozoa from the vicinity of Rovinj, Croatia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 270: 1-139.
Descripció original
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Souto, Javier, Reverter Gil, Oscar & Fernández Pulpeiro, Eugenio, 2010. Gymnolaemate bryozoans from the Algarve (southern Portugal): new species and biogeographical considerations. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90 (7), 1417-1439.
Hayward, Peter J. & McKinney, Frank K., 2002. Northern Adriatic Bryozoa from the vicinity of Rovinj, Croatia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 270: 1-139.
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Zabala, M., & Maluquer, P., 1988. Illustrated keys for the classification of Mediterranean Bryozoa. Treballs del Museu de Zoologia, Barcelona, 4: 1-294.
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