Open Collections

Macaca sylvanus

Specimen data:

  • Scientific name : Macaca sylvanus
  • Element: Crani
  • Catalog number: MZB 2001-0685
  • Location: Africa > Morocco > Meknès-Tafilalet > Ifrane > Azrou
  • Collecting date: 23/05/2001
  • Collector: Escolà Boada, Oleguer
  • Life Stage: Adult
  • Sex: Femella
  • Acquisition source: Escolà Boada, Oleguer
  • Acquisition Date: 15/06/2001
  • Biblliography: Veracini, C. & Garcia-Franquesa, E.. "The primate collection at the Natural Science Museum of Barcelona (Spain)". Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Vol. 8 (2010), p. 15-52.
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