Guide to collections

Cadevall herbarium

Name Cadevall herbarium
Cite as BC-Cadevall
Description The herbarium Joan Cadevall i Diars (1846-1921) has been on permanent loan from its owner since 1919 and contains 8,243 specimens. Cadevall was the author of the first illustrated Catalan flora, Flora de Catalunya (1913-1932), to have identification keys and descriptions. His collection contains plants from Catalonia and others determined by eminent botanists such as Boissier, Coste, Luizet, Pau, Reuter, Sennen and Sudre.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Collectors Cadevall, Joan
Llenas, M.
Pau, Carlos
Sennen, frère
[et al.]
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Taxonomic
Formations periods 1780-1920
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 8243 specimens
Documentation state All of the collection is digitalized.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed