Guide to collections

Historical Archive of the Barcelona Botanic Institute

Name Historical Archive of the Barcelona Botanic Institute
Cite as AIBB
Description This archive was created together with the library of the Botanical Institute by the botanist Pius Font i Quer. It contains all the documents produced and received by the botanists that form part of the Board of Natural Sciences (1906-1935), the Botanical Department of the Museu Martorell, and the Barcelona Botanical Institute (1936-1994). It also contains the collection of private documents belonging to the botanists who were associated with the Institute either through the loan of their herbariums or the botanical activities they carried out with the Museum: Antoni Cebrià Costa, 1884; Ramon de Bolós Saderra, 1870-1886; Estanislau Vayreda Vila, 1871-1898; Ramon Masferrer Arquimbau, 1873-1882; Frederic Trémols Borrell, 1905-1918; Joan Cadevall Diars, 1882-1920; Carlos Pau Español, 1895-1937 and José Cuatrecasas Arumí, 1921-1994. This archive is composed mainly of scientific correspondence, botanical studies and specialized publications. It also contains an important collection of photos of the botanical campaigns of Pius Font i Quer to northern Morocco in 1928-1932, and of the botanical explorations carried out by José Cuatrecasas in Spain in 1927-1938.