Guide to collections

Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici Seed Collection

Name Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici Seed Collection
Description The University of Barcelona's Geobotanical and Cartographic Research Group set up in 2004 a project aimed at creating a seed bank of the plants of the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park. The main objective is the indefinitely preservation of a significant part of the park's plant diversity in a seed bank. The bank whose preserved this seeds is the Barcelona Botanical Garden seed bank. Plants that are considered to be of priority within the park's flora – endemic species, orophytes with disjoint distributions, generally rare plants, etc. – were selected. Each collected sample consists of over 3,000 seeds, the minimum number recognised by various conservation programmes as genetically sufficiently diverse.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Taxon coverage Carex, Festuca, Luzula, Saxifraga, Veronica
Collectors Blanco, JM
Carrillo, Empar
Guardiola, Moisés
Mercadé, A.
Ninot, Josep M
Petit, Albert
Pérez, Aaron
Collection type Living
Primary purpose Research
Include types No
Grouping principle Repository
Development statuses Active growth
Documentation state All the lots in the collection have been prepared for conservation. All specimens are identified to species level and 75% of lots are geo-referenced.
Specimen preservation methods Dried, Frozen
Preparation and conservation Cleaning and separation of seeds from the rest of the flower or plant structures. Then, the lot is weighed, dehydrated with silica gel in a dehydration chamber and placed in hermetic tubes. Finally, the lot is conserved in a freezer at -18ºC.
Institution Botanical Garden of Barcelona - Seed Bank
Parent collection Barcelona Botanical Garden Seed Collection
Associated person Miriam Aixart (Seed Bank Curator),
Related material Projecte: Consolidació del Banc de llavors del Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici.