Guide to collections

Francesc Xavier Bolòs herbarium

Name Francesc Xavier Bolòs herbarium
Description The herbarium of Francesc Xavier Bolòs i Germà (1773-1844) was loaned indefinitely to the Botanical Garden in 1934 by Antoni de Bolòs. Francesc Xavier worked for the Madrid Botanical Garden and was in contact with botanists such as Gómez Ortega, Lagasca, Pourret and Bernades. This pharmacist and naturalist studied the flora of northern Catalonia, above all around Olot, at the end of the 18th century. His herbarium (around 6,000 sheets) contains pre-Linnean and Linnean descriptions on the same labels and is still to be properly studied.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Collectors Bolòs Germà, Francesc Xavier
[et al.]
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Taxonomic
Formations periods 18th century
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 6000 specimens
Documentation state This collection has yet to be digitalized and studied.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed