Guide to collections

Salvador herbarium

Name Salvador herbarium
Cite as BC-Salvador
Description This collection was obtained by Font i Quer in 1945 via the Salvador family and is part of the Salvador Natural History Collection. It consists of samples collected in the 17-18th centuries, above all by Jaume Salvador i Pedrol (1649-1740) and Joan Salvador i Riera (1683-1725). This herbarium also contains plants collected by botanists such as Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, James Petiver, Herman Boerhaave, Pierre Magnol, Antoine de Jussieu and Sébastien Vaillant.
This collection has has 4,917 herbarium specimens. The main part of the collection (4025 sheets) was digitalized in 1989-1992 under the auspices of the National Historical Heritage Plan directed by Àngel Romo. In 2001-2006 the collection was studied by Neus Ibáñez as part of her doctoral thesis. The remaining sheets (825) form an annex to the main collection and consist of American plants collected by Petiver and of European plants collected by Francesc Xavier Bolòs (donation in 19th century). This annex was studied and digitalized in 2013 by Neus Ibáñez and Pep Aurell. In 2014, 67 new specimens have been incorporated in the collection and are under study.
Kingdom coverage Plantae
Collectors Boerhaave, Herman
Bolòs, Francesc Xavier
Jussieu, Antoine de
Magnol, Pierre
Petiver, James
Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph
Salvador Pedrol, Jaume
Salvador Riera, Joan
Vaillant, Sébastian
[et al.]
Collection type Preserved
Primary purpose Research
Include types Yes
Grouping principle Taxonomic
Formations periods 17th-18th centuries
Development statuses Closed
Collection extents 4917 specimens
Documentation state All of the collection is digitalized on micro-datasheets.
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed
Preparation and conservation Pressed plants are mounted on stitched herbarium sheets.
Institution Botanical Institute of Barcelona - Herbarium
Parent collection Botanical Institute of Barcelona herbarium
Salvador Natural History Collection
Associated person Neus Ibáñez (Curator),
Related material Bolòs, A. (1946). "El Herbario Salvador". Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 1: 1-8.

Bolòs, A. (1947). "Plantas montserratinas de Juan Salvador". Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 1: 323-329.

Camarasa, J. M. & Ibáñez, N. (2012). Joan Salvador and James Petiver: the last years (1715–1718) of their scientific correspondence. Archives of Natural History, 39 (2): 191-216.

Camarasa, J. M., Ibáñez, N. (2007). "Joan Salvador and James Petiver: a scientific correspondence (1706-1714) in time of war". Archives of Natural History 34 (1): 140–173.

Ibáñez, N. (2006). "Estudis sobre cinc herbaris de l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona". Tesi Doctoral. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona.

Ibáñez, N., Montserrat, J. M. & Soriano, I. (2009). "Types of Lamarck’s Iberian species based on collections of Jussieu and Salvador families in P and BC herbaria". Candollea 64/1: 143-148.

Ibáñez, N., Montserrat, J.M. & Soriano, I. (2005). "Las plantas pirenaicas de los herbarios Salvador (s. XVII-XVIII) y de la Sociedad Botánica Barcelonesa (s.XIX)". Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse et de Midi-Pyrénées 141: 37-42.

Ibáñez, N., Montserrat, J.M. & Soriano, I. (2008). "Type specimens conserved in the Salvador herbarium (BC) of names of species authored by Pourret". Taxon 57(2): 633-636.

Ibáñez, N., Montserrat, J.M., Soriano, I. & Camarasa, J.M. (2006). "Plant material exchanged between James Petiver (c.1663-1718) and Joan Salvador i Riera (1683-1725). I. The Balearic plants conserved in BC-Salvador and BM-Sloane Herbaria". Notes and Records of the Royal Society 60: 241-248.

Montserrat, J. M. & Ibáñez, N. (2008) "Les plantes ornamentals i la botànica": 110-169. En: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura (eds.), Jardins, jardineria i botànica. Barcelona 1700. Monografies del Museu d’Història. Col·lecció La Ciutat del Born, Barcelona.

Romo, A.M. (1991). "The Salvador Herbarium at the Institut Botànic de Barcelona". Optima newsletter 25-29: 48-49.

Romo, A.M. (1995). "Un herbario prelinneano en el Institut Botànic de Barcelona: el herbario Salvador". Boletín de la Asociación de Herbarios Ibero-Macaronésicos 0: 4-5.