Alpha Index:

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  • Cicindela (Cicindela) bodongi


    Horn, W., 1914. Zwei neue Cicindelinae (Col.). Entomologische Mitteilungen, 3: 315-317.

  • Luperus (Calomicrus) espanoli


    Codina Padilla, 1963. Nuevas formas de Luperus ibéricos y norteafricanos (Col. Chrysomelidae). EOS, 39: 367-378.

  • Sigiweddellia benthopelagica

    Bouillon, J., Pagès, F. & Gili, J. M., 2001. New species of benthopelagic hydromedusae from the Weddell Sea. Polar Biology, 24: 839-845. [p. 840-841; figs. 1-3].

  • Brachylaima llobregatensis

    González-Moreno,O. & Gracenea,M., 2006. Life cycle and description of a new species of Brachylaimid (Trematoda: Digenea) in Spain. Journal of Parasitology, 92(6): 1305–1312.