Ribas, A.; Diagne, C.; Tatard, C.; Diallo, M.; Poonlaphdecha, S. & Broua, C., 2017. Whipworm diversity in West African rodents: a molecular approach and the description of Trichuris duplantieri n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichuridae). Parasitology Research, 116(4): 1265–1271. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-017-5404-3.
"Lemcid, Islamic Republic of Mauritania"
Holotype: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 2016-2732 (male).
Allotype: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona: MZB 2016-2735 (female).
Paratipes: Museu de Ciències Naturals (Zoologia) de Barcelona, MZB 2016-2733 (1 male) + MZB 2016-2734 (1 male) + MZB 2016-2736 (1 female) + MZB 2016-2737 (1 female).
Trichuris duplantieri Ribas, Diagne, Tatard, Diallo, Poonlaphdecha & Brouat, 2017
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Omus californicus intermediopronotalis
Horn, W., 1913. Diesjährige Omus-Funde von F. W. Nunenmacher (Col.). Entomologische Mitteilungen, 2 (11): 349-351.
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