The inventory of living organisms on Earth is at the beginning and only a small proportion of all the organisms in existence has been described. Terrestrial environments, the most visited, contain many areas of high hidden biodiversity, the oceans are even more unknown and the microscopic organisms often pass undetected.


Less than twenty percent of all living species are known. With more resources and new means for navigation and study, access will be possible to still hidden spheres. The exploration of nature is a long way from over.


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Graphic table of proportion of species.


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Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002), Norwegian explorer, biologist and anthropologist.
" If you want to explore, you should know that you can find things even on the planet’s surface, if you keep your eyes wide open, if you understand what you are looking for. I myself have seen that scientists and laymen are similar. The former believe that, unless it is written in a book, it does not exist... But that is a mistake! "









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